Frederick James Wills

Born 19 March 2006 Died 2 May 2007

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Today would have been Frederick's second birthday. I remember who pleased we were two years ago when Fred arrived, and going to Sainsbury's to get some things we had forgotten.

I also whizzed over to Mothercare in Torquay to get a "Baby on Board" sticker for the car as I had always wanted one of them.

Last year we were in Ward 34 celebrating as best we could but until I knew all was clear it hung over us, the worry of what was to come, if anything. The staff got Fred some stuff and we received lots of cards, which went on the notice board in his cubicle.

This year, nothing. After getting up pottering Rachel and I decided to go out for a bit. We went to Paignton seafront and parked just by the place that we took Fred to on his first day at the beach. It was so hot then we had to keep him covered in sheets and parasols so he did not get to see the sun. It was too bright. My dad and his friend George popped over to see us as they were having a drink at the Club nearby.

Today the beach was empty except for a few dog walkers and pram pushers. And some seagulls.

We then went to the Zoo for a walk about. The bench is yet to arrive and I guess it must be imminent by now.

We received several messages during the day from well wishers, as well as some from the nurses at Bristol. That was nice.

Not much else happened other than Rachel and I met Hayley in town for some lunch and we headed home.


MsCatMinder said...

So sad , so bleak and such a waste . Poor Freddie and poor you .

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim and Rachel, hope you are both well and babybump is growing nicely in the confines of his mother's tummy! Hope to speak to you soon, take care! Love Sheree