Frederick James Wills

Born 19 March 2006 Died 2 May 2007

Monday, 17 March 2008

It is another day when we visit the midwife, over in Brixham. Today Emily came with us, as she is interested in getting into paediatric nursing or similar, so we hoped it may be of interest for her.

Rachels bloods, blood pressure and baby growth seems fine and again we heard baby's heartbeat on the doppler. The midwife gave another indication as to the baby's sex - a "train" sound if a boy and a "horse" if a girl. I am sure it is for entertainment value only.

Rachel is getting bigger now, and so I am stoking her up with soya beans, spinach, sprouts and Paignton cabbages, which she gratefully accepts (?)

Just under eight weeks to go now, and if Fred's arrival is anything to go by, it could be just over five weeks.

Yesterday we wandered the aisles of Mothercare and next week will enter the hallowed portals of Babies 'r' Us. Soon all Fred's stuff will be brought out and washed and dried. Conveniently our washing machine went to the "other side" today so that was helpful. Maybe Fred had a hand in making sure we got a new reliable one before baby arrives?

I am back in the office for just one day this week - tomorrow -and will then be off for another week using my annual leave up. A new leave-year approaches so I can take my time again with the new born.

On the 19 March, it would have been Fred's second birthday. Nearly a year ago, we celebrated on Ward 34 with a cake and presents from the staff, our relatives and others we did not know. Amazing how time and circumstance change.

Rachel and I are looking forward to meeting Fred's new brother or sister, and guess with more anniversaries approaching things will be a bit bumpy.

Not sure who reads this now, but it did its job during its time. The old site managed 110,000+ hits, and we only have 200 now. I am happy with that as we have nothing much more to say really but I enjoy updating this.

When baby is born I shall stop doing this one I think, and maybe do another on the we'un. Fred might feel a bit style-cramped I think.

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