Frederick James Wills

Born 19 March 2006 Died 2 May 2007

Monday, 12 November 2007

Many of you will know that when Freddie was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on July 8 2006 I started to keep a daily 'blog so that friends, relatives and colleagues could follow our progress whilst we lived in Bristol during Freddie's treatment.

I continued the 'blog until exactly a year after he was admitted to the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children where his first two weeks were in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).

The 'blog was called "Get Well Freddie" then although changed to "We Love You Freddie" on the 13 April 2007 after we were told that the leukaemia had returned aggressively, and that he only had a few weeks to live.

After he passed away I made a few more entries, until the old 'blog site shut down for "maintenance." The suggestion was that the 'blog site would come back again but as four months have passed I decided to recreate the 'blog after requests from the many followers around the world.

The etxt is the same as before (just cut and pasted from my archive) and the photographs are similar. I am getting to grips with this 'blog site so it may take a while for me to find my way around. I have tried to make it look familiar to those who followed the 'blog first time around.

If you subscribe you will get an alert of some sorts letting you know I have posted another blog. If you have any comments then please let me know.

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