Frederick James Wills

Born 19 March 2006 Died 2 May 2007

Friday, 15 October 2021

After a long break I managed to access this 'blog once again.....

I had spent a long while trying to access this 'blog but the main email I used to have is long gone.

So after some poking about I managed to recover the access.  My fear was that I would lose access to this page forever and it simply disappear once again.  Hopefully not.

I have over the last few years been editing the text of the blog into something less wieldy so it is easier to read.  I have also added various anecdotal tales of during and after Fred's life as everything slowly unfolded.  I have titled it "In The Custody Of Angels" - being a nod toward the nurses who cared for him and also where ever he is now.

Whether I will finish it I know not but it provided some focus for me particularly during lockdown.

Heidi and Wilf go from strength to strength.  Heidi is 13 now and at secondary school.  She really loves her art and not only excels at manual art but also digital art too.  Some of her work in that area are particularly amazing.

Wilf is approaching 11 early next year and again is loving his school and learning.  Bit of a sea change there he is good.  His wit and exceptional knowledge of various topics is quite astounding at times.

Anyway this is a test run really.  Funny because I had occasion to re-visit the site today after a long absence.  I had made contact with the Anthony Nolan Trust on a query and which led me back to here.

And what am I doing?  I was in local government until late 2016 where I changed direction and worked in two primary schools for 2 academic years and then was "called" back to local government.  Still living in Torbay I worked in my old home county of Somerset for over 2 years and now work in Greater London happily.  Working from home has its benefits and means I can go where the work is and the jobs are more varied and challenging.  My current job means that I can be in central London doing the sights and having a meal in the sun in Covent Garden on one day before getting up the following day to do a days work.